About Us

We take training and continuing education seriously because we want to provide the best treatment options for you and your family.

Helping people improve their health since 1992

Terrie L. Porras, ND  continues to study and research various natural healing methods that will better assist her clients. Her health business includes traveling to other states to practice, and to teach these methods to other Health Practitioners. 

Our Promise to You

We want to share our many years of experience with you. We will make the time to help you understand your best treatment options. 

Terrie L. Porras, ND

Some interesting things about me:

  • I like to write poetry but I never share it.
  • I like to play the piano, but don’t do much of that anymore.
  • I love to study the Bible and teach Bible classes.
  • I love to brainstorm with Janie on different ways to educate us so we can educate others. That truly is so much fun! If a didn’t have to be an adult and pay bills, I would be a professional student!
  • In the mean time, I dream of going to the beach to sit and watch the waves roll in. It is so peaceful and calming for me.


Why you can be confident in Terrie L. Porras, ND

Education: Licensed Naturopathic Doctor (1994), Doctor of Iridology(2002), Master Herbalist (1994), Master Iridologist (1994), Certified Parasitologist (1997), Certified Sclerology (1996), Certified Functional Reflex Analysis (2000), Pioneer in Emotional Trauma Release (1998),Sclerology (2005), Resonance Repatterning 1-6 (2006)Completed Healing the Family System Part 1 and 2 (2007). Pure Essential Oil Therapy (2007), Quantum Biofeedback Technician (2015) Quantum Doctor (2017), Certified Natural Health Consultant (2020). Certified Sound Therapist (2020). Currently working on Bachelor of Science, Masters and PhD in Natural Health through The International Quantum University of Integrative Medicine (IQUIM).

Continuing Education: Certified Functional Reflex Analysist, Emotional Relief Therapy, Aromatherapy and Essential Oils, Allergy Elimination, Hormone Balance, Resonance Repatterning, Emotional and Physical Aromatic Touch using pure essential oils, Scio Bio Resonance Therapy, Sound Therapy and Cold Laser Therapy.

Certification Instruction: Seminars and Online Certification Courses in Basic and Master Herbology, Basic and Applied European Iridology, Professional Herbology for the practitioner, Sclerology, Aromatherapy, Parasitology, and Healing Modalities for Optimal Care. Terrie Porras is also an Instructor in Herbal Classes, Stress Management Classes, Parasites, Pure Essential Oils, Emotional Healing, Dis-Ease Protocols, and Sound therapy.

Currently working on a 100-hour certification course in Holistic Health Practice. This should be complete by April 2021.

Research and Development:  Dr. Porras has developed a technique called Emotional Trauma Release. She has also discovered that there is a link between Bi-Polar disorder and depression and the body’s resistance to certain hormones. Through case studies, research and personal experience, Dr. Porras has found that some chemical imbalances are the result of the body’s rejection or negative reaction to it’s own hormones. Through acupressure techniques and manipulation, the effects of this problem may be eliminated or reversed allowing the client emotional relief. Hundreds have been helped using this technique.

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Check out the products we recommend and other health supporting products that we have researched through the years.

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